Take note. WePay is doing it right. All of this happened just this morning.
Take note. WePay is doing it right. All of this happened just this morning.
Christina visited all of our Room to Read sites on her epic 3+ week journey through Asia. She's @chrysaora on twitter and if you're interested in people working to make the world suck less, you oughta follow her.
Oh, and please follow @breadpig, too!
WME (the wonderful agency that represents me) put up their new site featuring all their speakers. And thanks to some fortunate spelling, I'm positioned beside the great Conan. I can imagine the conference organizer thinking, "Oh look! Conan! Yes, we want him to come speak to us about anything. And, who's that guy next to him? Breadpig? WTF? Oooo, Rachael Ray!"
Brilliantly done. But you'll want headphones for it.
To his credit, Brett was a good sport when I brought my special sign to the Skins/Vikings game this season. Now I've got to find a supplier for replica jerseys sporting my small addition.
Lego Yuh Mind! We couldn't have been happier with how our first Breadpig Hack Club turned out. Now the LEGO Mindstorms are en route to Jamaica where they'll find new life -- read Christina's report.
I spotted Daren Martinez on /r/ForHire offering his webdesign services to bring in some extra cash for his daughter's first birthday and realized it was time to finally refresh this blog. I'm pretty thrilled with the new look he came up with. What do you think?
Didn't get a chance to join us? Check out the rest of Chrstina's photos and get mighty jealous. Then make sure you bookmark the Hack Club page so you don't miss future events!
Let's hope this is the start of another fabulous Internet meme...
(found this on reddit, of course)
Pure awesome.
Christina and I just unboxed 50 Mindstorms kits. We've pretty much got the awesomest job in the world.
Jelly? It's not too late to solve the puzzle with tonight's secret location!