

CBS, July 2014 [VIDEO]

HuffPo Live, June 2014 [VIDEO] 30 Seconds to know, June 2014 [VIDEO]

CNBC Squawk Alley, May 2014 [VIDEO]

This Week: Internet Privacy
This Week w/George Stephanopoulos, May 2014 [VIDEO] 

Press Pass: Alexis Ohanian
Meet the Press with David Gregory, Press Pass, April 2014 [VIDEO]

Market Makers w/Stephanie Ruhle & Erik Schatzker
Bloomberg TV, March 2014 [VIDEO]

Alexis Ohanian on 'Without Their Permission
Charlie Rose, January 2014 [VIDEO]

reddit & Permissionless Innovation | Interview with Alexis Ohanian, Co-Founder of reddit and author
The Motley Fool, October 2013 [VIDEO]

The need for online privacy
All In with Chris Hayes, October 2013 [VIDEO]

Sunday Spotlight: reddit Co-Founder Alexis Ohanian
This Week with George Stephanopoulos, October 2013 [VIDEO]

reddit Co-Founder Alexis Ohanian on E
The Leonard Lopate Show, October 2013 [AUDIO]

How reddit Emerged From A Rejected (And Very Different) Idea
All Things Considered, October 2013 [AUDIO]

Alexis Ohanian's blueprint for startups
CNN, October 2013 [VIDEO]

Alexis Ohanian LIVE
HuffPost Live, October 2013 [VIDEO]

Use the 'haters' for creative ammunition, reddit co-founder says
MSNBC Morning Joe, October 2013 [VIDEO]

Reddit Founder Alexis Ohanian Wants To Make The World Suck Less
TIME, October 2013 [VIDEO]

Reddit co-founder talks appeal of social media site, new book
CBS This Morning, September 2013 [VIDEO]

Reddit Founder Uses Power for Musical Justice
NBC Bay Area, January 2013 [VIDEO] 

Google Zeitgeist 
Google, December 2012 [VIDEO] (around :52!)

How reddit began
A Total Disruption, November 2012 [VIDEO]

Reddit Co-Founder Alexis Ohanian on Entrepreneurship
ABC News, October 2012 [VIDEO]

Libya: social media's influence
CNN, September 2012 [VIDEO]

Subreddit Challenge with Alexis Ohanian and Zach Anner
What's Trending with Shira Lazar, September 2012 [VIDEO]

Reddit founder on user-generated Aurora coverage
CBS, "This Morning," July 2012 [VIDEO]

On the Verge 007: LeVar Burton, Alexis Ohanian, Tim Wu
CNBC, "Squawk Box," May 2012 [VIDEO]

Facebook: Not Buying the Investor Hype 
CNBC, "Squawk Box," May 2012 [VIDEO]

Harnessing ‘benevolent’ web for schools -’s Alexis Ohanian on matching donations
CNN, “Starting Point,” March 2012 [VIDEO]

Ohanian on Opposition to Online Piracy Bill 
Bloomberg, "InBusiness With Margaret Brennan,” January 2012 [VIDEO]

Ohanian: SOPA, PIPA Needs Tech Input 
CNN, “Starting Point,” January 2012 [VIDEO]

Internet Goes on Strike Against SOPA - AOTS loops in Reddit’s Alexis Ohanian 
G4, “Attack of the Show,” January 2012 [VIDEO]


Here’s What the Leaders of Tech Told Graduates in 2014
The Wall Street Journal, July 2014
"Play like you have zero lives remaining. Take every opportunity you can. Hold those people who take care of you, who treat you well, hold them close to you."

Alexis Ohanian's Low-Tech Idea for Thwarting the FCC's Anti-Net Neutrality Plans
Inc., April 2014
"The founder of Reddit wants to broadcast his protest of the FCC's plans to impose limitations on Net Neutrality, a principle that assures Internet service providers offer access to all content providers equally." 

Internet Users Mobilize as FCC Prepares Net Neutrality Plan
The Wall Street Journal, April 2014
"Alexis Ohanian, a startup investor who co-founded the news-sharing website Reddit, said the online community as a whole is alarmed by the prospect of an Internet where companies can pay broadband providers for access to fast lanes. Mr. Ohanian predicted that the push for net neutrality would be like the SOPA effort, similarly organic and driven by users as well as big Web companies."

Alexis Ohanian Wants To Put A Pro-Net Neutrality Billboard "Right In The FCC's Backyard"
TechCrunch, April 2014
"Alexis Ohanian, known for his work at Reddit and HipMunk, once placed protest advertisements and hired a billboard during the SOPA and PIPA battles. He’s back, this time looking to raise $20,000 via CrowdTilt to place a billboard in “the FCC’s backyard,” protesting the potential changes to net neutrality rules." 

Founder of reddit and the Internet's Own Cheerleader
The New York Times, November 2013 
"Having been a co-founder of Reddit, the behemoth social news site, at 22 with his roommate from the University of Virginia, he cashed out 16 months later...When he’s not concocting start-ups, he spends his days as an angel investor to feel-good sites like Upworthy, serves as an adviser to young techies and is an unflappable champion of the Internet’s ability to make the world more awesome."

Alexis Ohanian, reddit co-founder, wants you to give to cash-strapped Brooklyn science teachers
The New York Daily NewsOctober 2013
"National studies show that teachers spend about $1,000 of their own money on materials and school supplies. One Brooklyn tech entrepreneur is trying to change that — one classroom at a time."

Alexis Ohanian: How The Internet Can Make Your Life Awesome
Forbes, October 2013
"Ohanian talks about the power of the Internet, how technology has hurt and helped us, what his journey was like after reddit was sold, and how you can become a successful entrepreneur like him."

Is There Such a Thing as Too Many Startups?
Inc., September 2013
"Starting a business changed Alexis Ohanian’s life. Now he’s looking to spread the word." 

Wired, September 2013
In [Ohanian's] new book, Without Their Permission, he exhorts other younglings to follow in his footsteps: Find an unmet need, write a little code, stump for server fees, and maybe make the world a better place in the process.

Alexis Ohanian on founding reddit and future start-ups
The Financial Times, September 2013
"If Ohanian has a super power, it’s the ability to see possibilities where others see walls and to realise that the structures of our government and society are not eternal."

The Year in Review: the biggest stories of 2012
The Verge, December 2012
"A group of those who fought SOPA, including Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian, Free Press, Fight for the Future, and other organizations collaborated to create a "Declaration of Internet Freedom" — a broadly worded set of principles calling for a free and open internet. Reddit took the cause even further, seizing John McCain’s Straight Talk Express to snake across the US between presidential debates, promoting open internet policies and boasting about its victory against SOPA."

The top 10 most influential internet rights activists in 2012

The Daily Dot, December 2012
"1) Alexis Ohanian: The People's Champion. Though he actually left in 2009, Reddit cofounder Alexis Ohanian remains the site’s most visible mascot (well, at least after Snoo, the Reddit alien, which he created). But in 2012, as Congress prepared to vote on SOPA—which, he said, would have precluded Reddit's creation—Mr. Ohanian went to Washington." 

Reddit Cofounder Alexis Ohanian Taps Kickstarter And The Chambers Brothers To Prove Music Industry Wrong
Today, Ohanian puts his money where his mouth is. As his Kickstarter page says, 'Record companies screwed over Lester Chambers of the Chambers Brothers for decades and as a result, today he's poor. The open Internet can make right what the music industry has done so wrong.'"

In the Midwest, Reddit finds a thriving startup culture
Forbes, October 2012
"One talking point was noticeably absent from the presidential debate last night–the future of Internet freedom. Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian and Reddit general manager Erik Martin anticipated this omission and chartered a bus from Denver to Danville earlier this month to highlight how the Midwest’s burgeoning startup culture is being fueled by the open Internet."

The Internet's March on Washington
BuzzFeed, October 2012
"Alexis Ohanian, co-founder of Reddit and key figure in the online fight against the controversial SOPA and PIPA bills earlier this year, shared a loose thought: 'This may be a terrible idea,' he volunteered, 'but what if we chose a day to 'geek bomb' DC, and we scheduled meetings with representatives and senators?' He went on. What if we 'brought in geeks from every one of their districts, for one day, to talk specifically about these issues?' His language instantly became less conditional. 'It'll be [an] organized setup, kind of like a flash mob on DC,' he said. 'A national Geek Day.' And just like that, we see how Reddit's next chapter will start: in politics."

Inside Reddit's Internet 2012 Bus Former McCain/Palin 'Straight Talk Express' converted for tour
AdWeek, October 2012
"Like almost any endeavor Ohanian and Reddit throw their weight behind, the tour has a light-hearted, tongue-in-cheek element to its execution. Ohanian and Martin don't take their Internet freedom issues lightly, but that doesn't mean they can't have some fun along the way."

Left Alone by Its Owners, Reddit Soars
The New York Times, September 2012
"There are many ways to measure the traction of a social media platform: time spent, page views or unique users. But it might be useful to add one more metric: if the leader of the free world stops by to answer questions from your users, you’re probably doing O.K."

Alexis Ohanian, Reddit co-founder and Web advocate
The Washington Post, September 2012
"Reddit founder Alexis Ohanian has accomplished what virtually no on else in Washington is doing these days: bringing the political parties together on a controversial issue."  

How Reddit Got Obama
All Things D, August 2012
"...says Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian, via email...'There are quite a few redditors at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave."  

Reddit Founder Wants Site to Become an 'Expected Campaign Stop'
The Atlantic Tech, August 2012
"Now that President Obama has stepped up and participated in an Reddit 'Ask Me Anything' Q&A, Reddit founder Alexis Ohanian has extended an offer to Mitt Romney to face Redditors as well. Ohanian told The Atlantic Wire that he wants Reddit to become 'an expected campaign stop.'"

With SOPA gone, setting Internet advocacy's next stop
The Washington Post, August 2012
"Reddit and the site’s co-founder Alexis Ohanian have an idea: they’re launching a bus tour that will introduce the Internet itself as a player in the 2012 election." 

Reddit's Alexis Ohanian on Good Social Media Karma
Popular Mechanics, August 2012
'Cofounder of 'the front page of the Internet,' Reddit's Ohanian reveals how to make social media work for you—and 5 things you should never do." 

How Zach Anner and Reddit Cofounder Alexis Ohanian Are Reinventing the Travel Show for the Web
Fast Company, July 2012
"The opportunity for a second act came via Anner’s friendship with Alexis Ohanian, the young entrepreneur and investor who co-founded the influential social news website Reddit. Reddit and its passionate user community had been key in getting Anner’s original OWN pitch off the ground."

The Declaration of Internet Freedom: how the net's minutemen plan to protect the future
The Verge, July 2012
"Ohanian, one of the most outspoken opponents of SOPA and a leader of national protests against the bill, was also interested in continuing the fight. His support is no surprise, considering that by his own admission, he 'takes cues in many instances from reddit, and broadly speaking, from the internet.'" 

Digital Power Index: Personalities
Newsweek/The Daily Beast, June 2012

Business Insider's New York Angel 100
Business Insider, June 2012

How Reddit's Alexis Ohanian Became the Mayor of the Internet
Forbes, June 2012
"'Reddit can’t have lunch with a politician or do an interview on CNN. So I do my best to represent them,' Ohanian says over a cup of coffee in his Brooklyn Heights neighborhood. 'But I’m not the leader of this movement. It’s led by anyone, by everyone.'"

Why This All-Star Tech Player Isn't Buying Into the Facebook IPO
Forbes, May 2012
"I understand the business value to what Facebook is doing. We've never seen a company like this before, ever. It knows things about our private lives that no one else does. And one of the big issues that a lot of us in the tech community have withe Facebook of late has been their support of bills like CISPA that make it really easy for a business like Facebook to hand over very private data about us without any due process. So that's why I'm gonna be holding off." 

How to Build a Web Following: Alexis Ohanian
Businessweek Magazine, April 2012
"The way to build your audience is with a ton of work: every day going out and creating something that’s worth sharing. It’s really a numbers game. You can’t count on one thing working—you have to keep producing. You have to increase the odds of something getting popular. It’s also about treating your audience like human beings."

One of PAPER Magazine's 2012 Beautiful People
PAPER Magazine, March 2012
"As long as the web stays open and uncensored, Ohanian believes, it will continue to break down barriers for future entrepreneurs. Thanks to movements like open-source software and Kickstarter, it's never been easier to make an impact. His advice to startup-hopefuls is to just get started, today. 'Solve the simplest problem you can, get it online and see what happens,' he says. 'And if anyone tells you it's not going to work, ignore them.'"

Alexis Ohanian, Reddit Co-Founder, Building Anti-SOPA Billboard 
Mashable, March 2012
“Alexis Ohanian, co-founder of Reddit, has a message for Texas Rep. Lamar Smith, author of the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA): “Don’t Mess With the Internet.” And because everything’s bigger in Texas, Ohanian wants to put that message on a giant billboard in Rep. Smith’s proverbial backyard — his home district.”

Alexis Ohanian: What I Read 
The Atlantic Wire, Media Diet series, February 2012
“My digital existence is definitely not just about the devices, though. It's really about portals.”

Victory on Antipiracy Issue Buoys Internet Lobby 
New York Times, January 2012
“The scruffy nature of the digital protests was summed up by one of their informal spokesmen, Alexis Ohanian, 28, a co-founder of the popular social news site Reddit.”

Forbes 30 Under 30: Technology 
Forbes, December 2011 
“Success takes time in any endeavor. And that makes this list of 20-somethings in technology even more impressive.”

Reddit founder writing book for web entrepreneurs 
CNN, November 2011
"Alexis Ohanian is a champion of the Internet as a catalyst that lets anyone become a publisher or a promoter of worthwhile causes."

Reddit Cofounder Alexis Ohanian To Join Y Combinator 
TechCrunch, September 2010
“Ohanian is one of the more passionate and audacious young entrepreneurs in tech today.”