Talking Egypt, social media, and Murdoch's new app on @BloombergTV

I'm stoked to announce that I'm now officially a contributor on BloombergTV (it's official because it's now listed on my Thank you for putting my hoodie & t-shirt lifestyle in such a professional spotlight!

Well, I had my second appearance on @MargBrennan's InBusiness yesterday and it looked nothing like the picture below.

Alas, I had to resort to that bad photoshop because embedding for the video has been disabled.

Click here for the link to watch the video.

If you're curious, here are the two images I was referring to during my segment:

And here's verification that Egypt is in fact the #2 recipient of US Foreign Aid (not including Iraq, since, well, we're occupying them) after Israel. Just the facts.

The ArsTechnica article I cited about Egypt's "Internet Kill Switch."

I hadn't gotten a chance to try out Murdoch's The Daily app since it was still launching at the time of the interview, but as soon as I beat this Angry Birds level I'm stuck on, I'll give it a go.

I'm definitely still getting the hang of live television (Margaret, you make it look so easy). In case you missed it, here's my first appearance.

Interviewed on @BloombergTV by @MargBrennan about,, and the rise of "little brother"

Thank you to all the fine folks at Bloomberg TV who made my appearance on InBusiness possible - especially Margaret Brennan & Shelley Venus for inviting me!

I'm going to have to start paying royalties to my friend Jennifer 8. Lee for all the mileage I'm getting from her "Little Brother." And to the reddit community for keeping me abreast of such a wide variety of topics.

Wish I hadn't let everyone down by not sneaking one of the many 'special words' you all sent me on Twitter. Next time!