Pink castle is pink

Drive or hike around Scotland for long enough and you're bound to find a castle.  Not all of them are pink like this one, though.  They couldn't all have looked this fabulous, else invaders would've been too envious to stop themselves from sieging.

A lesson in Scotch, and Scottish & American synergy

It's just "Whisky" in Scotland (what else would it be?) but it's a magical drink I'd only recently really gotten a taste for (thanks, Christopher!).  There weren't many distilleries open during the offseason, but Glen Grant was (apparently they're huge in Italy) and the guide put up with my inane questions.  Fun fact: Most of the wood they import for Scotch barrels are used bourbon barrels from the USA.  One more reason why we should never go to war with Scotland.

Hiking the Trossachs

If it weren't for GPS, I doubt I would have been able to get there (especially learning how to drive on the other side of the road), but it was well worth it. Beautiful country. Cold, too.

New photos of the xkcd school we're building in Laos

“Do not train children to learning by force and harshness, but direct them to it by what amuses their minds, so that you may be better able to discover with accuracy the peculiar bent of the genius of each.” – Plato.

This school is a gift from the readers of XKCD, an internet comic strip. The world is full of exciting things to discover. We hope you find some of them.

This is the dedication going on the plaque at the school's entrance (as chosen by Randall with the help of xkcd readers).

See the rest of the photos and learn a bit more about the school on the breadpig company blog.

What Depression? Hearst wants a castle!

William Randolph Hearst wanted a castle, so he built one. It's astonishingly opulent, housing individual artwork that is today purportedly worth more than the castle's construction (it all belongs to the state of CA now, which cannot sell a single napkin without forfeiting the entire estate).  Just don't think about what he could've done for his fellow man with even some of that money during the Great Depression...

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