For the last year, I've had the privilege of working w Kathrina Manalac; now she's moving on to awesome things in the entertainment wing at Samsung.
She's leaving NY (nooooo!) to return home to the Bay Area. I wish her all the best and hope that her new co-workers know how good they have it!
For the past year, she's basically run my life, earned me & my companies a mountain of publicity, advised nearly all of my portfolio companies at some time or another, and gotten lots of stuff done.
Needless to say, there's no way I would've gotten Without Their Permission done in time without her.
Keep your eyes on her and Hidden Menu so I can say: "told you so."
For the past year, she's basically run my life, earned me & my companies a mountain of publicity, advised nearly all of my portfolio companies at some time or another, and gotten lots of stuff done.
Needless to say, there's no way I would've gotten Without Their Permission done in time without her.
Keep your eyes on her and Hidden Menu so I can say: "told you so."