Please vote for my @breadpig SXSW panel: Make the World Suck Less and Profit Simultaneously!

There are more opportunities than ever to do business while doing good. Starting an uncorporation called Breadpig was the way I did it, but “social enterprise” (as the kids are calling it these days) comes in lots of forms. This will be a chance to learn exactly how we’ve done fun stuff like creating “LOL Magnetic Poetry” and publishing xkcd: volume 0 -- all while donating their profits to organizations that do in fact make the world suck less. And what if you’re just a typical web 2.0 company aspiring to world domination? There are plenty of ways to use your resources to make the world suck a bit less, as well as tax incentives that add to the endorphin rush. We’ll go through it all, only with lots of cute animal photos to make up for the tax discussions. You’ll get a very informative, candid, and sometimes absurd presentation from our two presenters.

Questions Answered

  1. What are some protips for collaborating with traditional nonprofits for geeks?
  2. How do I find great nonprofits to work with?
  3. What are the basics of giving for web 2.0 companies? Tax & goodwill advantages for donating company time & resources?
  4. How can I make and sell tangible things (step-by-step guides to whatever the audience votes for: books, shirts, LOLmagnetz, Spam Fortune Cookies)?
  5. WTF is a breadpig? And is it delicious?

If you're going to be in Austin for SXSW in 2011 (or even if you're not), I humbly request that you take a gander at my proposal and vote for it if you like what you see. I'll be presenting along side Christina Xu (cofounder of ROFLCon) and we'll be polling the audience in real-time for the areas you'd like us to focus on.

Our aim at Breadpig has always been to share everything we've learned, so in keeping with that tradition, we'll be providing all the tutorials you could hope for to create your own Breadpig-killer :)