NEW! Trailer for our #Internet2012 Documentary - Silicon Prairie

I'm so so so excited for our debut at CES next week!

See you there?

January 8, 2013 9:30 - 10:30 a.m.
LVCC, North Hall N254

After watching the U.S. government threaten the Internet with bills like SOPA and PIPA, Internet entrepreneurs from Reddit set out to "campaign for the Internet" during the 2012 presidential election season. Traveling from Denver to Danville, Ky., during the presidential and vice presidential debates, the Internet 2012 Bus Tour explored the potential that the Open Internet holds to promote our economy -- not just in Silicon Valley, but also in cities and towns (and farms!) all over America. Following the screening, filmmakers and Internet entrepreneurs will discuss why government and citizens alike should care about preserving (and developing) the Internet Economy in every city and every town in America. reddit GM Erik Martin & reddit Co-Founder Alexis Ohanian will be panelists.

2 responses
Cute movie. The NimbleBot guys are good. My suspicion is that campaigns to regulate the internet will re-emerge every other year, often by people who will have said only a few years before that they were in favor of a free Internet. And you will have to elaborate a political philosophy that supports your position.
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