Great recap of my talk at @Georgetown

He also took the opportunity to thank the students with habits of procrastination. “Last month Reddit had 35 million unique visitors and 2.5 billion page views,” he said. “All of you are very unproductive; thank you so much for that.”

Ohanian also noted that many of the representatives voting on the bills had a very unclear view of what they actually did. “The laws had very broad and very vague language. The language was clearly not written by technologists, it was clearly written by lobbyists,” he stated. Seeing this, Ohanian decided to involve himself in the politics of the situation as it became clear that the issue needed attention from Internet activists. Through collaborative efforts between Ohanian and other business leaders, awareness was created that rippled across the entire country.

With a picture of Gandalf Greyhame from Lord of the Rings behind him, Ohanian said, “All of us on the Internet simply said, these bills shall not pass. We’ve shown that we can be against terrible legislation.”

I'm so happy Gandalf got his shoutout, too.